Business Owners and Those Who Want To Be

Welcome to our Website. We look forward to hearing from you and determining if we can help you.

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves to you. You will notice in the Header of our Home Page four (4) words that we choose very carefully to associate with our name: Integrity, Confidentially, Experience, and Professionalism. We choose those 4 words because after about 200 collective years of business experience among our Partners, this is what we are. What you see is what you get. Fortunately, these are the same 4 attributes our prospects and our clients tell us they want in the people they entrust their business to.

We have purposely chosen early in our introduction of ourselves to show you who we believe is at the center of everything we do: The CDI Client.

As you review our Website and talk with our people, you will note one theme emerge over and over again, in what we say and what we do:

We have organized ourselves with the CDI Client as the center of our professional world. All of the resources we have, which are considerable, are focused inward to the benefit of our Clients. We are not about bragging about ourselves. We are about Creating Success For Our Clients. Hence, we have organized ourselves with the CDI Client at the center of our professional world.

The CDI Group is organized to serve the financial and consulting needs of three groups of people:

  • The Business / Company Owner and those who want to be one.
  • Company, Corporate Leaders.
  • Other Strategic Partners who bring value to their Clients in the same dedicate way we do.

If you are a Business / Company Owner or you are an Entrepreneur who wants to become a Business / Company Owner, then this is a special message to you.
More than 2/3 of CDI Professionals have started their own businesses from scratch. We know what it takes to build an organization, the challenge to find and keep great people, the concern (fear) about meeting the next payroll, beating competition, getting and keeping great customers, and the pressures go on and on. After we made it, we did forget what it took to create success. We have been where most Entrepreneurs have been and/or Company Leaders are. And we have purchased and sold businesses, including our own businesses. We combine our own experience of owning our own companies, with our experience in buying and selling companies, to Create Success for our CDI Clients.

If you are a Business Owner who wants to grow both organically and by acquiring companies, we can bring that expertise to help you create success as well. In fact, we suggest you click here so you can see the special Practice Area we built for you: “Outsourcing the M&A Function.”

If you are a Business Owner who wants to sell part or all of your company, we suggest you click here so you can see the special Practice Area we built for you: “Mergers, Acquisitions, and Divestitures.” If you are a Business Owner who has Commercial Property and does not want your Business sold until your Commercial Property is sold, we understand that scenario and can take care of you. We can:

  • Sell your Commercial Property first and then sell your Business, or
  • Sell your Commercial Property and your Business at the same time, or
  • Sell your Business but not your Commercial Property. Often the Buyer of your Business would like to keep operating your Business where it is currently located, therefore would like to lease the Property from you.
  • And we can do this CONFIDENTIALLY because we do business different that if you were to hire someone who only sells Commercial Real Estate, CDI can sell both your Commercial Real Estate and Business CONFIDENTIALLY.

Because several CDI Partners are Licensed Commercial “Real Estate Sales People”, we can handle transactions involving Commercial Real Estate and Businesses from the beginning through closing.

And, if you are an Entrepreneur, or want to become one, we can help you acquire your 1st business or an “add-on” business. Click here for more information about how we can help you in “Buying and/or Selling a Business.” Remember that approximately 80% of people who buy smaller and mid-size businesses are 1st time Buyers. They are individuals who want to control and create their own future. Perhaps just like you.